Edmund 'Wally' Walters was a Hakin boy. Read about this outstanding composer -- http://www.landskersingers.com/edmund-walters/ (Please note that the Milford Haven Town Council is not responsible for external links.)
"Thou Blessed Haven" was composed for Milford Haven for its bicentenary in 1990.
To thee our song we raise, Thou blessed haven;
With never-ending praise we sing to thee.
As long as we shall live
To thee our love we’ll give -
Thy beauties hold us;
Thy loving arms enfold us.
Thou rocks and rivulets, to thee we sing.
Thou mighty Western Wind, Thou pounding sea.
Forever Milford thy fame shall dwell
in Nature’s majesty.
In far off yesterdays, Thou blessed haven,
Great Shakespeare told thy praise in words of gold.
Our Quaker heritage
Is writ on history’s page;
These roots will ever
Bind us fast together.
Dear town that moulds its sons to share in Life’s Great Game,
Thy tides shall ebb and flow to eternity.
For ever Milford thy Name shall live,
For ever cherished be.