The Paddling Pool Working Group is represented by the following:
**UPDATED - JULY 2024**
Councillor W. D. Elliott BA QTS (Mayor of Milford Haven 2024/2025)
Councillor E. A. Davies DipSM FJOIFF (Deputy Mayor of Milford Haven 2024/2025)
Councillor Mrs N. Beavis-Morrissey (Chair)
Councillor D. Abbott
Councillor Miss K. F. Gray
Councillor N. Harteveld BSc (Hons) GMBPsS
Councillor C. Jones
Coouncillor Mrs L. McSparron
Councillor Mrs C. Stevens
Councillor Miss T. Stevens
MAYORAL YEAR 2024/2025
MAYORAL YEAR 2023/2024